Dolphin Comparison Info
Hey There! This Is John over at Pelican Shops an elite dealer and certified repair center for Maytronics Dolphin Pool Cleaners! I wanted to do a breakdown of the models we carry. BUT FIRST read this minor alert I feel like you should know:
A QUICK ALERT: We have noticed a lot of other sites copying this page and our descriptions. We do not offer any warranties for any other site. Usually these sites have Dolphin Cleaners at unreal prices. Those sites are often Credit Card Scam sites that are looking to draw people in with "too good to be true pricing" and then never ship it! (because they never had them to begin with). Just check that the Website you are on is indeed PELICANSHOPS1.COM which is the online store website for the Pelican Shops location in MORRIS PLAINS NJ. There are other Pelican locations but they are independently owned and operated and they do not offer the same warranty programs and knowledge we do!
So if you came from another site and found this information helpful we ask you to consider purchasing from the people who spent the time to make it and actually know the product they are selling here at :). Bookmark or save our website or our number 973-313-4424 as it is easy to end up on another Pelican locations website and they DO NOT offer the same knowledge or warranty program we do here. I'm sorry for this confusion and we Thank you for understanding!
NOW LETS GET INTO IT! We hear ALL THE TIME that people are confused on all these different models that Maytronics has and that they don't seem that different. Well this is true. Dolphin private labels their cleaners to different pool distributors and those pool distributor sell the cleaners to pool stores which result in a very confusing amount of cleaners. Most of the time the difference is only the color, name, and some very minor physical changes. A perfect example of this is the Dolphin S200, T35, and Active 20. They are all the same price and have the same features. Another example is the next step up like the S300, T45, and Active 30. once again all have the same features. I made this chart to help clear things up between the different models. If you still have questions feel free to give us a call at (973-313-4424) between 10AM and 6PM EST. We also have some tips on how to get these cleaners to last longer and how to really keep them looking brand new. Our store also does free shipping to most states and any warranty work is FREE and we ship it to and from for FREE if you decide to purchase from us for most models.
There is also a link below to a video I made on my channel on YouTube that goes into depth between the differences. This video is made yearly. currently I'm working on 2025 but I'm waiting for pricing from Dolphin to be final before I make the video. The chart is now up to date for 2025 as of now, when / if prices change they will on the chart.
Find further notes below on discontinued models not on the chart as well as Maytronics' NIYA brand of cleaners which should NOT be compared to any DOLPHIN LINE
If you have further questions please feel free to reach out to me at our number 973-313-4424!
You can zoom in on the chart!

*Keep note the SEASONAL REBATES are only redeemable when you buy from a store like Pelican. a Brick and mortar Dealer. They do not apply when bought from big box stores.
2025 video is in the works. waiting for pricing to be final from dolphin. goal is to have it up first week in march. only some changes though. M550 being the biggest addition.